"Rakshabandhan, popularly known as "Rakhi," will be observed on August 11, 2022. Raksha Bandhan literally translates to "the tie or knot of protection" in Sanskrit. It is an ancient Vedic celebration held annually on the full moon day of the month of Shravan (August). As it is widely known that Rakhi Poornima is dedicated to siblings, sisters and brothers eagerly anticipate its arrival. Rakshabandhan is a festival honouring the unique relationship between siblings. The rakhi thread symbolises the love, affection, care, respect, and adoration shared by siblings. This Rakshabandhan, Jooli has compiled a list of brands from which you may select gifts for your sister that will make her feel loved and cherished.
Is your sister constantly searching for designer clothing? Choose from Aaheli dresses or Print Valley kurtas.
Whether she prefers high heels or sneakers, we have got you covered. On the Jooli app, the brands Monrow and Banjari Sneakers provide an extensive selection of footwear.
If you're looking for sling bags, IMARS or Bright Wings are great options.
So what are you waiting for? Choose your brand and product from the Jooli App, and buy now!"